D5 Hi - network error

Hi Team - just had my first go. However I get Network error when I want generate?

Hi mate, it seems too many people generate at the same time, please wait for a while and try again. If it still persists after many times, please dm me and tell your account to apply D5 Hi.

hello , i have been getting the same error for the past 3 days
my account is

Hi there, this issue has been fixed now. You can try it again. Please contact us if there’s still a problem.

Same network error, today in my account.

Hi mate, I have seen your mail, You can clear the cookie or use the other browser and try again now, If it doesn’t work, please tell us.

Clear cookies. It works like a charm, thank you @Bruce.W!

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Network error since last week. I’ve tried clearing cookies as you recommended a few months ago, and I’ve tried in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge and nothing works.

I always receive unknown system error. I cannot work. I erased all cookies…it’s the same

Dear Sir and Madam! I always recieve the massage “network error”.
I am a pro user (w.mueller@formundfunktion .at).
How can I fix this?
Thank you for your efforts!

Hi team, I am having the same problem, Network error left me as a user to solve it. arq.cvilches@gmail.com Thank you very much. Greetings