D5 asset library window not fitting on laptop

I am trying to finish up a rendering on my 15" laptop but am when I went to use the paintbucket tool for the grass, I realized that the bottom of the asset library doesn’t fit on the laptop and there is no way to resize it in such a way that I can access it. Any help?

Hi there,

Could you try resize the whole window, and drag the assets window a little bit upper for the scatter tool?

I’m having the same issue but more intense in that the only thing I can access is HDRI or weather panel. Everything else is inaccessible and I’ve tried on three different machines now with different displays. I even bought pro subscription just to be replied to even though I’ve been emailing for weeks to get this resolved.

There’s no option to drag the window, only to extend it vertically from the bottom but not the top

Hello nicholas, please try the suggestion in this page: Interface Issue - Get Help - D5 RENDER FORUM

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