Customizing shortcut

Is there any way to add shortcut ctrl drag to clone and shift select to select multiple objects in D5. It’s very strange as I need to switch between multiple software.

Hi, just go to the thread-like plant and press the control and shift key, and then use the cursor which turns from white to black, when you group multiple objects you just need to copy and paste, that is, control C is then control V. Try this way, or if you have the list of objects on the left, in the drop-down menu, just select them and copy them and then paste them.
Good work.

Thank you. I’m aware of these commands.
But it’ll be really helpful if I could switch the command shortcut- SHIFT + DRAG: to copy and CTRL: for multiple select.

  • The other software I’m used to they use the reverse method - SHIFT: for multiple select and CTRL + DRAG: to copy.

Hi, thanks for your advice.
In D5, you can use the shortcut key “Ctrl + D” to duplicate, and the materials are associated with each other by default. Use the shortcut key “Alt + D” to duplicate the model to avoid material association. Press the “Shift” and click the axis in any direction can allow you to duplicate the model along the specified direction.
But I will still convey your need to our team.

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