Copy scene parameters from a file to another file

I’ve set up the “environment” and the “effect” settings in a scene and saved the file.
I create an entirely new file for a new project.
How can I copy the settings (parameters) from a scene of the first file and paste them on a scene in the new file?
I know that I can copy and paste the parameters from a scene to another scene in the same file, but now I need to copy the parameters from a file to another one.
Thank you in advance.

Hello, for now, we do not have the feature, but we are planning to add it. Besides, a workaround is that you make a copy of the old scene file then remove all models, only remaining the sky and effect settings.
Then you can create new projects based on it ( importing models into it directly).

Great news Oliver! I am looking forward to see this feature in the next update!

Regarding the workflow you suggested, I did the following experiment;

  1. I created a new project and save it as empty (no model/effect/enviroment/asset modification). D5 folder size 3,44 KB
  2. The D5 folder size of a project I am currently working on is 2,10 GB
  3. I opened the current project, I removed all the models as you suggested and kept only the sky and effect settings. D5 folder size 1,04 GB
  4. I removed all the auto-generated additional files from the D5 folder. D5 folder size 12,7 MB
  5. I re-run the empty file, click on every (empty) scene I had added before and save it again (no models/assets imported). D5 folder size 642 MB. (As the files in step 3 and step 5 has the same information -they are empty- why is this big defference between them in terms of size?)

As you understand 642 MB is a huge size for an empty but presetted file.
Is there any way to save a presetted file with the minimum size? In the case above, 12,7 MB?

Thank you in advance again!

Hello, that is because some temporary materials are cached in the scene file folder…and it is not easy to identify which assets you could delete directly. So I would recommend you cut a screenshot of the sky settings, then create a new empty file and modify it based on the parameters from the screenshot…

Any update on this feature in the recent D5 update??

Hi mate, We have a new function called D5 Studio which can store your presets in the cloud, but can not be exported. You can refer to the release notes for more information:

What’s new in D5 Render 2.5 - News - D5 RENDER FORUM