Is there a way to open and adjust an object from the library? Most objects in the library are in “closed groups”. That’s a real shame. Look at the example. I wanted to copy the sofa. Unfortunately the scarf is getting in the way. I would like to hide it or position the cushions differently. It would be nice if the D5 team made that possible. I’m sure many users would be grateful.
I am convinced that having objects saved as groups is something that needs to be implemented as soon as possible.
In the meantime, I recommend a temporary solution that can only be used to hide objects in the model. You can create a copy of the model, make it unique and apply a Custom Alpha material with a black Opacity Map.
In the example I have applied the custom alpha texture to the blanket and cushions
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Thank you for your answer and help. The idea with the alpha material is very good.
Thanks for sharing your idea!
Thanks for your advice. I will convey your idea to our team. I think we may improve this in the future.
You can also post your idea in the ideas& requests channel in the forum.
Best regards
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