Change private email address to an educational

Hi D5 Team!

I’ve recently downloaded D5 Render to improve my rendering skills, but i first made my account with my private/personal email address, not considering the fact that i could use my educational email and get the D5 Render education for free, even tho i did the whole application, sending proof i’m an active architectural student, it was denied because of this. The feedback i received was “Your application for “D5 Render Educational License” was not approved due to Need to apply with EDU email; Please use your EDU email for the application.” I’ve tried to change my email, but i couldn’t, what can i do to fix this problem?


Hi @lopezdelgadoalexia,

Sorry for any inconvenience caused :saluting_face:.Do you have your own EDU email address? If you have an EDU email you can use that account to re-register for a D5 account and then just re-apply for EDU on your device. Hope it will help you.

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