Caustic for water

Would it be possible to add caustics to the water?

hi, for now, D5 does not have caustics function. It is already on our RoadMap. I saw some users use stage light to project Caustics images, to simulate the effect, especially on water surface. You can refer to this workaround.

Thank you, will you insert this function?

Hi, sorry for the late reply. Yes, we will add this function in D5 Render if it is developed.

E’ per caso quel riflesso (su quella struttura curva che si illumina) che si vede nel video introduttivo della nuova versione di D5?

le caustiche sono i riflessi che lascia l’acqua quando attraversata dalla luce:



sostantivo femminile

  1. In ottica, superficie di inviluppo dei raggi riflessi da uno specchio sferico investito da un fascio di raggi luminosi paralleli, o rifratti da un diottro sferico investito da un fascio di luce omocentrico.


Si @marcello.cesini avevo capito che si stava parlando della stessa cosa (non sono un neofita, senza offesa per nessuno). Essendo però un nuovo utilizzatore di D5, chiedevo infatti se era una funzione presente in esso (o meno) ed eventualmente sapere come utilizzarla.

Hi, this is caustic for water, made by our team. In the widget of the D5 pro version, open the projector function, replace the video with the saved water material, and adjust the parameters in the right sidebar to achieve the effect of caustic for water.

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Grazie mille @Ryann-Z

Thanks, can you give me screenshots of the steps? in particular that of the replacement of the video with the saved water material?

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@Ryann-Z Thanks, can you give me screenshots of the steps? in particular that of the replacement of the video with the saved water material?

Hi mate, check this one: How to make caustic for water - Get Help / AnswerHub - D5 RENDER FORUM

Thanks @Oliver.J

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How to hide the light source?

You meant that you want to hide the lighting effect while keeping only the caustic images?
It is hard to do that, you can try adjusting the Attenuation Radius and intensity lower, as well as increasing exposure.
If you want to simply hide the light source, Press L, or use Ctrl+H to hide the light object.