Cant use D5 with Revit LT fbx

D5 does not work with Revit LT fbx files because it imports it as one object which is useless.
Any workaround for this?

Revit LT does not allow plugins…

Hi @vblevin1,

Indeed, the plugin does not work with Revit LT. Could you please clarify what you mean by the issue with the FBX being imported as one object? Does this have to do with the textures? If you export a single model, it would be recognized as one model.

Did you try opening this FBX file in different software like 3ds Max to see if it works fine? Please share this file with us at along with a detailed description of the issue. Use the tag Anthony_forum in your email so we can take a closer look at this.

Thank you!

You can only export an FBX files as a single model out of Revit LT.
Your suggestion to open it in 3d Max would require me to buy 3d Max…

Please send the Fbx file so we’ll check on our end. Kindly describe the issue you are facing after importing the fbx file to D5. Is this related to the materials?

D5 currently does not support importing fbx files with materials with complex nodes. Apologies for the inconvenience.

How to import model files into D5 Render? | User Manual

I just emailed

Thank you, I’ll check it out.

Hi @vblevin1, syncing the fbx file from 3ds max to D5 works. I’ll discuss this issue with our team to find a work around for you since you do not have 3ds max. Thank you