Is there an way to control focus shift for cinematic animations?
For example, for the first shot I have set the camera to focus on the grass. For the second shot I have set it to focus on the the building (follow focus is off on both).
When camera’s movement is set to “auto smooth” or “linear” the majority of focus shift happens in the first five frames, really rapidly, probably because the focal distance change is a lot of meters. When I set it to “ease out” it gets a bit smoother and longer. Yet, it’s still pretty fast, happens too early and of course camera’s movement changes.
I want a smooth, slow focus shift to happen when the building gets revealed, not earlier. Is there an way to control it, let’s say with keyframes, without affecting the whole movement and transition of the animation?
I’m new in D5. Thanks for your help.
Hi @marchi11
To test if shot duration influenced asset and environment speed, I changed the length of a specific shot. Modifying the shot duration (in seconds) only affected camera speed, not the animation speed of assets or the environment.
Thanks for the answer.
I don’t have animated assets in this scene. My issue has to do with the focal shift speed (the transition from focusing near to focusing far).
The thing is that no matter how long (in seconds) I set my shot, the focal shift happens too rapidly, because the focal plane has to travel from 0,5 m. to 20m.
So I was asking if there is an way to adjust the focal distance with keyframes.
Anyways I worked it around. I rendered the same clip two times. One focusing near and one focusing far. Then I used a crossfade transition in a video editing program to adjust the focal shift. It doesn’t look very natural but it’s ok.
Hi @marchi11
Got it, thanks for explaining that. Your clarification is very helpful. I’ll definitely pass this along to the team as a suggestion for improving D5’s video editing. We’ll look into how we can streamline that process in subsequent releases.
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