Camera anim to D5

Hi peoples…

I would like to import camera animation from a FBX file… Seems we cannot do that (hope soons) Can we do that from a d5 file exported from 3dsmax with the d5 plugin?


Hi @vincent.berger,

If you want to import animation from 3dsmax to D5, you can export your animation from 3dsmax to .abc or .fbx format, and then import in D5 client.

Please note that .fbx import with bone animation is not supported. It is suggested to convert bone animation to abc animation before exporting and then importing .abc files into D5 render. And .abc format files with material mapping are not supported to be imported into D5. You need to differentiate the materials in the modeling software and re-add them after importing into D5. :heart_hands:

Hi @Vera_Hsu,

For what I’ve tested… camera animation is not imported from an FBX… I speak about the camera animation only. Have you some trick about that?


Sorry for the mixing, please ignore my reply above :eyes:. So you want to sync camera animation from 3dsmax to D5 right? You can use ‘Send current motion track’ feature via LiveSync plugin.

Ok good, thanks for the trick… do you plan to support camera anim imported from an FBX in the futur? It would be a good thing to support software not in your workflow list.

Thanks anyway

FBX is just a file format, and D5 currently only supports sync with modeling software, like Rhino, 3dsmax or C4D…

But you can open FBX files directly within the D5 Client, and FBX import with bone animation is not supported. It is suggested to convert bone animation to abc animation before exporting and then importing .abc files into D5 render.

FBX is juste a file format BUT it’s far more universal than sync plugin… I’m currently working in maya… have to tranfert to max to use D5… Not smart for me… Some plan for a maya plugin?

I guess I see what you point out. D5 Render doesn’t support Maya yet. You’re also welcome to put your needs/suggestions in ‘Ideas & Requests’ part on our forum, that will be more helpful for our team to track. Latest Ideas & Requests topics - D5 RENDER FORUM

I will…

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