I use 3ds max for modelling and animation of cameras. When I sync the max file with D5 render the camera motion animation is in perspective view. When I try to fix it with the two-point perspective, D5 changes the position of my camera for the animation.
Hi there,
I apologize for the inconvenience. I believe you have also posted this issue on our Discord Channel.
As mentioned by my team, have you tried enabling this feature?
What is your 3ds Max and sync plugin version?
Do the camera animations work well in perspective mode before switching to Two-point perspective?
Could you please provide some screenshots or perhaps detailed steps on how you were able to encounter such an issue for us to troubleshoot this issue more accurately?
Note: If ever we have not replicated the issue on our end, we may need your files for further testing, you may send it to support@d5techs.com and have them titled “Anthony_Discord”