Book matching stone in D5 Render


Just wondering if anyone knows how to give a book match effect on stone. I’m working on a stone cladded fireplace with seam down the center and want to mirror the veining and texture. I am able to do it on Sketchup but not D5. Could someone please help me

Thank you :smiley:

Can you provide an example image? Maybe we can help you work it out.

I have done a book matching stone on D5.

Here is what I did: first, I made the book matching texture ready in photoshop, so it became one single map, you can basically download any cool stone texture and mirror it. (twice for four matching). then I gave proper UVW box map on my object in rhino, i.e. exact size of the stone, it’s quite easy, you go to properties tab on right panel. chose box on type, and then press on show mapping widget on icons above it, you can then bring the mapping widget to the middle of stone object, then use gumball’s scale to make it same size as the stone object. you can also give the texture to object using material tab, and then, use D5 plugin to sync it with D5. finally, I chose a good stone material from Asset library and then replaced the base color map with the one I made via photoshop.

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Thank you for your help! I was able to work it out and will definitely be referring back to this for when I refine things in Photoshop (:

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Thanks for sharing! Your solution is very helpful! :heart:

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