Black material

Hello everyone
I would like to know how to arrive at this matte black shader aspect,

what settings to use? Thank you in advance, Pierre

Hi Pierre
I usually use black often. You have to play with the color, bring it to 10 or 20, give it less reflection and more roughness. It’s difficult to get that essence of black but you can achieve it if you try playing with the settings many times

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Many thanks

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Hi Riccardo,
There’s also the direction, the strength of the light, that’s also what’s not obvious, right?
Do you have any tips or tricks?
Many thanks


Hi Pierre.
Try taking a dark material from the D5, replace the main image with the one posted in your photo and create a PBR, you can create it with Photoshop or with a program that does it directly for you, both the specular and the roughness ‘Materialize’ and replace it in the material you took from D5. I usually download them from Google images:

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From the Quixel Bridege website if you are registered with Epic Games you can easily download it, just install the Bridege APP and you will have all the materials and objects you need. I created it for you first, now I’ve downloaded it for you 2K:


This instead is 1K:

I think I’ve given you a lot to do with this, you just have to have fun

many thanks

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