Artifacts during animation rendering in some areas

we are working on animation and in some areas, inside interior, there are visible artifacts, we are rendering in 4K, we use HDRi from D5 preset. We have some lights there. When we render single frame from the same area, everything is ok, GPU driver is actualised, we tried on two different PC’s with two different GPU’s, artifacts were visible in both pc animations.

Question is if there can be some problem with materials or lights? Should we check anything else? Or try to make it again from the scratch?

Thanks for your help and any suggestions.

Hi there,

May i know what D5 Version you are currently using?

And also the specific GPU that you are using for both PC’s.

Does this happen just on this single D5 Scene/Project?



we have RTX 3060 and RTX 4070. Yes it is only in this project, in the interior on more places not just in one specific area. It is where is a lot of spotlights with IES in the interior, reflective materials, a lot of white. There is no Sun and no windows from the outside.

Do you have any reccomendation?

Thanks in advance!

Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Can you send this scene file (The entire folder where the .drs file is located) to me to check from my end?

You can DM me directly or send to, please annotate you are from Forum in the email, so I can quickly find you. Any update will be appreciated. :pray: