Archicad Solo


Is D5 compatible with ‘Archicad 25 Solo’ when i try to launch D5 using the plugin tool bar it just crashes Archicad!

Has anyone else had this issue?

Hello, for now Archicad Solo is not supported yet, we are testing and trying to make our plugin compatible with AC solo version. Please wait for our update.

d5c_archicad_install.7z (4.0 MB)
Hello, here is a new version which supports AC 25 solo, please give it a try. Any updates would be appreciated.


I am trying to install the Archicad Plugin for D5 but i cant seem to get it to work.

I have downloaded the software, started the install and all seems to go well, i accept the T+Cs but when it moves on to install there seems to be nothing to install.
It gets to the section ‘Select Components to install’ but the box is empty. If i click install it move to the next page with an empty progress bar and says ‘Complete’ but nothing has been installed.

Anyone got any ideas?

FYI I’m running Archicad 26 solo edition.



Hi mate, sorry that AC 26 Solo is not supported yet.

No problem, Hopefully it will be soon.

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Any update with AC 26 Solo? Is it supported yet? I am trying to install the workflow plugin and I am getting an empty installation


EDIT: I found a beta version through Discord server so now I can try the app.

Thank you

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@archadallas @togarchitecture Hi there, feel free to try this new beta version of D5 Converter for AC, which supports Archicad 26 Solo.
D5 Converter for Archicad Beta | AC26 Solo supported - Workflow / Archicad - D5 RENDER FORUM

Awesome, i defo will…


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