AO slider in Material definition

Hi there,
what is the AO slider with the material Inspector tab for? Not talking about the AO slider under the Effects tab. I cannot seem to get it to have any effect outside of acting like a diffuse map transparency slider. Is it for Ambient Occlusion, or procedural mapping (I hope I hope I hope)?

Hi! I think this post may help you. What is the AO parameter of material? | User Manual (

It does, thanks! I guess it’s more effective within the material itself, not from one piece of geometry to another. The net effect is just too subtle for what I am trying to accomplish. I think I will have to apply AO via the effects tab and layer in Photoshop, or find another way. That said, it would be awesome to be able to use the AO parameter (or a new one) for procedural mapping :).

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