Any way to rotate object more than 180°?

I saw a similar question from a few years ago. Wondering if it’s still the case that max is 180° or if maybe anyone has devised a workaround. Would love to have an object spinning in place on the z-axis with multiple revolutions, but if i could get at least one that would be great. It seems as though any amount past 180 and it starts moving back the other direction

Hi mate, for now it is still not supported to rotate objects by entering a value more than 180°, but you can divide the video into several parts as a workaround.

Also we are re-writing the video animation parts, stay tuned on our updates this year, thanks!

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Hi…may this idea will help you… add that Plant object to " add local" then go to the assest and tap local then drag it to the current Scence …then add animation as well.