Hello there,
It has been a while since I have tried to adapt to object source visibility, especially light sources, in this case. But it is more annoying than the earlier since I am doing much more with lights now.
The main issue is that you cannot figure out which light source you are dealing with in a busy scene. It is difficult to find the correct one because the D5 in “show light source” mode shows every single light source in the camera angle, no matter how far or close they are and also no matter if they are visible in the scene or not.
This has its benefits, though. However, it is nearly impossible to edit more accurately when you have a large number of lights.
I am showing a very basic scene below, which is not even close to scenes I am dealing with size-wise and noting the issues and sending some ideas about making it better if possible:
- This scene does not have its lights yet so imagine what chaos it will be when those are added.
- It can be in different groups or layers but both managing groups and editing it is even more complicated and one mistake in editing the whole group instead of a single light source could lead to a disaster so grouping is out of the plan(still very good for managing though) and for layering, the layer box is still very basic and not that much reliable. If it is going to have such a duty it can change to some CAD or BIM style to be managable.
Ideas to make it better:
A. More advanced Layer/Group/Component section to manage these kinds of scenes more easily
B. There could be a check box for lights not visible to not show in the scene, this way a lot of non-usable lights are gone and it makes more sense then.
C. Lights in the far behind the scenes can have different colors.
D. Attenuation radius does not need to be that visible with lines. I mean what is this below?
E. Maybe even the main scene can go greyed out when selecting a light for editing, this way the user is working in a separate layer of visibility, and lights are easier to handle.
F. In general it is good the have an isolated space for an such object(light source) instead of gluing everything to a tiny object which easily gets lost in a busy scene.
here is another mid-way shot which is not fully lighten-up yet!
I can write a lot but I hope you get the idea.
Thank you!