Animation/keying of other objects than camera?

Hi, Sorry if there is a really obvious answer to this. But for example, if I was trying to render a ‘sun passing overhead’ type timelapse video/sequence - is there a way to animate/key the sun angle/time? Or is the camera currently the only object you can keyframe? I was thinking also focal distance/mm would be very nice to be able to animate for that OTT ‘lens breathing’ type effect.

Hi mate, you can try to adjust the sunlight in each camera here.

Regarding the OTT ‘lens breathing’, the “depth of field” in the Camera button can be used for that effect.

You can also refer to this blog for more information about “How to create cinematic animation in D5 Render with Depth of Field”

ok so if I change sun angle in one camera, click update camera and then change it in the next camera thumbnail in timeline - it will animate?

edit - I just tried that and it worked thanks

so I see you don’t manually put in keyframes, but any setting you change within a ‘camera’ in a clip timeline and press ‘update’ in the camera is taken as ‘keyframed’?

Yes, just remember to update.

Besides, you can also change the “Environment” like cloud, wind, and Precipitation or “Effect” like bloom in different cameras, it will also animate.

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I know this is an old thread but I’ve searched the forum and can’t find the issue I’m dealing with currently in V2.9.1.0509 I place two scenes in an animation clip. One set at 7 am on June 21 with my geo located latitude and longitude and the second scene in the clip at 5 pm on June 21 with the same geo located latitude and longitude. When I scrub the timeline to preview the animation or export the animation the sun and shadows do not behave as expected are not correct. When I just scrub the time adjuster in a scene the sun and shadows behave as expected. I’ve attached a screen grab video showing first the preview of the animation clip by hitting the play button and then the same clip but just manually advancing the time slider. Note the shadows and sun path are completely different. This doesn’t make sense because the longitude and latitude numbers do not change nor do the calendar dates…the time slider is the only thing advancing in both scenarios but the results are completely different. Sun Study Issues

Hi there,

I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. This is currently a known issue and will be addressed in the next update. Thank you for providing us with thorough information and video recording.

Thank you for the response. Do you have a timeline for the update release? Would you recommend I go back to an earlier release for this exercise? If so, which previous release would you recommend?

Hi @dan,

We cannot disclose any information regarding the timeline as it may be subject to change, rest assured it is near if there are no major issues. Additionally, you can try installing previous versions such as 2.7 and 2.8 to see if there are any differences since we have not yet tested this issue on lower versions of D5 Render. You can access the historical versions at this link: Download Historical Versions of D5 Render

Thank you for your understanding.

I can confirm that version 2.7 also exhibits the exact same behavior. I’ve not tried earlier than that. I assumed that if 2.7 does it then 2.8 will as well. I may try 2.6 if I have time to experiment.

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Thanks for your update, we really appreciate it~