In my animation, all inserted characters disappear in the last half second of the animation.
In this case I have a 6 second long animation. In the screenshot you can see that the animated character disappears exactly after 5.29 seconds.
D5 Version is
What is wrong?
Hello, can you send us a video of your animation for checking? Also, you can check if you keyframed your character.
Attached you will find my animation. To keep the file size small I cut out the first 3 seconds of the animation. The character is not keyframed.
test_1.zip (3.4 MB)
In my project the characters are on the “D5 characters” layer. I turned the visibility of this layer off and on in the various clips. In this clip visibility was turned on. This switched off at 5.29 seconds. That’s why the character disappeared. I don’t know why this happens. But I updated both views (red marking in the screenshot). Now the animation works normally.
Hi! I think this could be a bug, if convenient you can send the scene file to us and will check and try to fix it. (support@d5techs.com, please describe the problem and attach this post to your email)