Ai Enhancer gives mixed results

I tried the Ai enhancer on a recent rendering and while it makes some good changes, it also makes some bad ones. In general it does improve the appearance of the D5 character assets (the people’s faces in particular). However, I’ve noticed:

  1. It totally screws up text. Here is the before image:

And WITH Ai enhancer the text becomes illegible:

  1. The Ai enhancer starts to make subtle, unwanted changes. Here is my cake before Ai enhancer:


And WITH Ai enhancer:


  1. Surprisingly it leaves certain things unchanged like the fake looking hair on this lady:


  1. It does improve curves. Here is a metal ring detail prior to Ai enhancer:


And then with Ai enhancer:


I used Ai Enhancer on the normal setting. I didn’t try the lighter setting. I wish that there was a way that it could target certain aspects in a rendering like characters, which generally do look better, but of course leave other aspects as they were rendered.

I am seeing now that “Specified Partition” allows one to pick some items to Ai enhance, but the counter with circles for example can’t be picked on its own.

Hi @jeffreylewispa

Apologies for your trouble and I want to assure you that our tech team is doing their best to keep improving our AI feature. However, I need to know if this is your first time using our AI feature. Are there any specific files or do all the files have the same issue? Another thing is we received a few concerns about our AI feature yesterday but it got fixed right away. Not quite sure if this is related too, but you can try to use it now and evaluate if the issue is still visible.


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The AI ​​function is a really good addition to D5. Thank you for that.

But there are points that don’t work so well yet. Downloading the finished images is extremely slow. For 4k images it can take around 20 minutes. This has already been reported by other users.

The people are actually improved very well. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work. If the people are directly in front of the camera in the picture, it works without any problems. If they are just a few meters further back, the AI ​​no longer works. Even if you only mark the people for improvement, the picture remains unimproved.


I’ve only used it on one file, but why for example is it trying to change all of my pastries but leaves this woman’s hair looking fake?


I think if the AI enhancer made people and animals look more realistic and not just their faces (people), that would be ideal. This would include unnatural people poses like:

Hi, @jeffreylewispa, Thank you for understanding and patience. If its convenient with you, could you share your scene files and log files? May I know the specific time you applied the AI Enhancer feature? lastly, I also need your before and after images of AI Enhancer output. We will conduct a further investigation regarding this matter. You can send it to “” and please do not forget to tag me @maslu to find you quickly. Thank you for your cooperation.

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Hi I sent the entire model to the support team yesterday, but the reason was due to mirror reflection issues. I did not specifically ask about the Ai enhancer since that’s the least of my concerns. This Ai enhancer is another issue, but the support team now has my full model.