Advanced curtain material

Hi all,

I would like to ask a way to render a curtain like image below assume that I already have the texture. I used the template curtain maerial from d5 and I tried to insert the texture via subsurface color (which I dont quite understand the meaning of it as D5 render manual doesnt point out what its purpose is) and there is no option to create a seperate UV mapping like normal custom material. There is also no option to adjust the UV of opacity map (I think whenever a map is inserted it should has an option for adjust invidual UV)? If any body knows the way to work around, i would appreciate alot.

Thank you for posting. The subsurface texture is the one we can see from the reverse side. Yes, for now D5 does not support individual UV for opacity map of foliage material, we will take it into consideration.
You can try using the curtain material from D5 library, then change the base color map.

By the way, I saw you mentioned that you have already had a solution to this, could you share some details with us?
