ABC from Max textured issue

Hi, im tryng to import an animated abc file from max into d5. The import, model and animation works fine, but i can apply texture in only one part of the model, the rest keeps white and cant apply.
Hi is there a way to export or apply textures in max so when import in d5 i can textured the model?
Or how can i import an animated car from max??
FBX doesnt work either… in Lumion does comeon guys!!!


Hi @fernandolabbatearq

Do these parts, which are displayed as “white” in D5, have different materials on them? Have you tried assigning a different texture? Have you tried converting the model to editable mesh?

You may also visit this link:


  • yes, is an editable mesh in max
  • extra data: for avoid the yellow dot in D5, I re-import ABC in new max file and then export to ABc again, so import works fine but cant textured it
  • I just realized: the max mesh has a Corona Multi-subobject material, so the only object that i can apply texture in D5 is the first of that multi list. For example, the number 1 is the pink color applied to the mesh of the ground. The orange is the first of the car body, and same for the four wheels.
    I dont know how to aply text in max for correct import in D5.
    Captura de pantalla 2025-03-05 222400
    Captura de pantalla 2025-03-05 222540

Hi @fernandolabbatearq

We currently do not support Multi-subobject material; that is why only the first one is being successfully read in D5 Render. I suggest changing it into something else and trying again. Thank you :bowing_man:

Ok thanks.
Cuestion, is there a way that D5 recommend to have a clean imported custom animated object from 3dmax?

Hi @fernandolabbatearq

I apologize but unfortunately, there are none aside from:


Ok support FBX animated would be a great update to this excellent software.
ABC is an outdated format and requieres much ram.

Hi @fernandolabbatearq

Thanks for your input, I will forward this to my team.