3d Figures flat colour fill

Hi Team - thank you for all your hard work in making D5!

When doing a animation in early design stages I find the people (realistic people) can get distracting when put in a environment that is still in concept/develop stages. Can D5 look at perhaps implementing this outline flat colour fill option with the 3d figures. Not sure how it will work but the example link shows it very well.

When the project gets develop more then one moves to a more refined polished environment where you spend more time getting realism - then the realistic 3D figures work very well.

I am aware that there is a setting of fill colour applied to the whole 3d character. This does work some what…

Thank for your advice, do you mean the characters look like this?

Hi Team - sorry for late reply.

Please see attached examples. This was done in a BIG presentation for the Woven City.

The figures are 3d but there clothes and faces are flat colours. Not sure how they did it?


Got it, they look quite special, we have a plan to do black and white people which is common first, this kind of 3d figures may be taken into consideration, thanks for your suggestions.

Great! I understand. Look forward to the black and white figure options.

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