2D view / material UV

Testing D5, I try to render 2D planar views but encounter some materials render problem as you can see:

Also into D5, the scene use for previous render shows a very dark window:

If I change the exposure, rendered image will be totally clear. For a good render I copy/paste parameters from a perspective view to respect lighting of the scene.
Any idea where it’s coming from ?

PS: I test materials changing planar/linear, using my own material, the one from D5 library, using or not Triplanar texture … … nothing change the result.

Thanks for your help

A little update on my post ? Any idea how to solve this issue ?

Hello, please try to close the SR and try to render your scene again.

By the way, what modeling software did you use? If the materials that are going wrong are your own local materials, please let me know what format they are in.

I did the test rendering without SR beta but results does not change (with my Sketchup model or even with D5 assets), as this exemple:

Thanks for your help

Please send us your scene file, we will test it. support@d5techs.com please describe the problem

Hi Luna,

I reduce my file assets and send you as requested a wetransfer link by mail “D5 2D UV MAPPING”.


Thanks for your email, we will check it.

Hello, we have check your file. I think this issue is a bug, and this material problem only occurs with orthogonal views. We will fix this issue in the future.


With this issue currently unfixed for the time being, if you are having problems rendering orthogonal views, it is recommended that you render using perspective views + 2°fov for the time being to get similar results.

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