2.7 Crashing on start up

My D5 continues to crash on startup after I updated to 2.7. I tried to live sync from rhino, it loads to 99% then crashes. I previously had the DLL error for 2.6 in which I had to downgrade my GPU driver to an older version which worked and it was able to run. I just now updated my GPU driver to the most current and that still crashed, I tried reinstalling, running as admin, non of which have worked. Not sure where to go from here.

RTX 4080
64gbs DDR5 Ram
I9 14900K

Try revert your live sync to old version

I did that as well, but that didn’t work. I can’t even start a new file within D5 without it crashing

Does the CPU have a big impact on D5? | User Manual (d5render.com)

Hello, I noticed that you are currently using a 14900k cpu. There are some stability issues with this cpu at the moment, and your previous dll error may be due to this issue as well.
You can have a look at this article. Intel investigates reports of game crashes on 13th, 14th gen Core i9 processors - Times of India
I would suggest that you try updating your bios version, the newer versions seem to fix the problem somewhat.
This post may also help. Does the CPU have a big impact on D5? | User Manual (d5render.com)

Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately, I had to tune the cores to a lower performance. It looks like the higher-end I9 processors are too powerful. But it’s working now, so I appreciate it.

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Same here.

The problem is D5 my friend.

Hello. Really sorry for your problem. Can I see your system information?