Hello there!
I’m here to clarify certain issues that I see hasnt been explained here just yet regarding the 50 Series and D5 render, and I think will be very useful topic for many!
I have downloaded an scene from the Scene Express to test the new D5 2.10 version since I got a new 5090 FE.
Just so you guys now, for full context here are my findings:
Scene without any Frame generation:
Scene with Frame generation at 2x:
Scene with frame generation at 4x:
I’m pretty sure I’m bottle necking my FPS with my CPU (Ryzen 3900x)
Important Note:
Upon opening the D5 Render after the update (2.10) I noticed I was only able to do frame generation x2 and not x4 so I had to basically do a work around of overwriting the settings in the Nvidia App in order to see the x4 upon restarting of D5.
And if you are wondering if this boost in FPS will affect the final time for rendering output, I’m affraid is not. It only serve 1 purpose and is to give you a lift during your asset placement and design phase.
4K Render without Frame Generation activated+D5 SR OFF+Path tracing feature ON:
4K Render with x4 frame generation+D5 SR OFF+Path tracing feature ON:
I would be more interested in doing a benchmark of the AI capabilities measured on time, for this 5090 FE and other users GPUs to test the time it takes to actually do some AI work, since my AI times using similar work with Stable Diffusion are way faster than with D5 AI built-in solution (for the same 4K Resolution).
Here are my times for D5 Inpaint AI Enhancement:
Inpaint Sky with Op1:
1 Min 45 sec
Inpaint Water with Op1:
1 Min 55 sec
For comparison Stable diffusion took 1 min 42 sec to enhance the whole 4K image.
12.7 sec for Water enhancement with the Inpaint tool.
12.4 sec for Sky enhancement with the Inpaint tool.
Looking forward if possible to see your results with the same scene and the D5 inpaint feature enhancing only the Sky and the Water respectively.