1 Month later both reseller and distributor STILL have not received our customers order

Hello - We placed an order with our distributor 1 month ago - and both they and ourselves have not received any completion of order.

This is somthing that needs to be resolved ASAP for our customer who has desided to buy D5 through ourselves and in turn ordered via our distributor in the UK.
Can this be looked into as a matter of urgency!

Sorry for your problem. You can try contacting the dealer first. If they don’t get back to you, let us know.

Best regards

We have been several times but they said they have not heard anything from you

My client is very angry! a month! whats this all about - he decided to buy through SEEIT3D as he merits our services

can you resolve this for me please


Really sorry for the inconvenience. We have contacted the dealer and are dealing with checking and handling your issue. They will contact you soon.