Why is architectural animation needed?

Why is architectural animation needed?Architectural animation, rotation, shift, movement.
To use animation in a 5D render program you need an animation interface. I am giving an example of animation that I would like to see in the program.
Animation of doors with a menu that starts animation when approaching an object.
This is just an example of a menu and how it works.

Example source -
Twinmotion 2020 Tutorial – Animators - YouTube

hi @RO2009

Thanks for the feedback

In render mode, you can add keyframes to objects to create animations
Moving, rotating and scaling are now supported

The object coordinates in the D5 Render are at the bottom center point by default. You can create a group of small objects with the door and let the coordinates of the group be on the side of the door to make this kind of animation

A better way to make animations is already being planned

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Looking forward to the animation tools update