Vr cuando?

Probably this year

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Olá Jessie, sabe informar se há uma previsão sobre a conversão para Realidade Virtual?

Great news!

yes, VR is on roadmap

Do you have news? Is important, my clients often ask🙏🏻

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We can vote for the functions we need the most here:

I am happy that the second priority for us users is the VR functions :+1:t4:


Yes, we are developing VR feature, and it is expected to roll out VR feature in D5 2.1.
Welcome to join our beta testing channel if you are interested :blush:

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si xf vr es fundamental … para ya no tener que utilizar otros programas…

y poder utilizarlo el d5 en otros idiomas seria genial""

Sí, definitivamente apoyaremos más idiomas.¡Pero tenemos que hacer muchos preparativos para esto, por favor, siga prestando atención, gracias!

Yes, we will support more languages for sure. But we need to prepare a lot for that, please stay tuned, thanks!

Sí, definitivamente apoyaremos más idiomas.¡Pero tenemos que hacer muchos preparativos para esto, por favor, siga prestando atención, gracias!

Yes, we will support more languages for sure. But we need to prepare a lot for that, please stay tuned, thanks!

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How do I test the D5 2.1 beta?

Hello, we have not had a public 2.1 beta version. But if you want to join our Preview channel, please check the private message I sent you.

Please guys see how the VRSketch guys are doing, I’m testing it and the interaction they are achieving is great.

Best regards :+1:t4:

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Hi Oliver!
Have some questions regarding the upcoming VR in version 2.1:

1.Will it allow to compress the scene in an executable file (or html5 with a folder structure) so it can be sent to others to navigate the scene?

2.Will VR require a high end RTX card on the viewer end?
3. Will GI still be part of the VR experience? It would be great if it has GI.

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Hello 3dfan, sorry the project of VR has not been finished, so I do not know the details as you asked. When I have updates to share, I will post here and let you know :grinning:
We have the plan to add a feature of exporting .exe files, but we will not develop it in the short term, thanks~

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Thanks Oliver!

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Hi, feel free to let us know what VR devices you have as we are doing some tests and collecting data on them. Thank you in advance!
Vote|What Virtual Reality devices do you use? - Ideas & Requests / Feature Discussion - D5 RENDER FORUM

oculus quest.

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