VR Beta in D5 Render 2.1
I have been testing the VR in different scenes with my Oculus Rift S, I also have the HP Reverb 2, but since there is no direct setup for D5 I don’t want to try these glasses for now.
These are my comments:
The VR is very good and Smooth with my Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti, except for two of the 20 scenes I tried, with some delay in loading the image when I move within the scene.
I tried 3 own scenes and 17 scenes from Scene express.
You have to preselect the VR in the Widget, and restart D5 to enable the VR lenses button.
When enabling VR, the split screen of the two viewers per eye does not always appear on the monitor, but many times nothing appears, but when placing the VR Glasses the scene appears as it should be.
The quality is normal for VR, losing quality in GI lighting, I have noticed the same difference in Image with VR in D5, Twinmotion, Enscape, Sketch Up and Unreal 4.
I think this difference in image quality is a limit that can be improved, I see the best quality in Unreal 4, where the scene has better textures and the lighting is also loaded in the geometry, (Bake Lighting).
When entering a VR scene it is determined by the lighting of this particular one, you have to avoid the cliping plane of the camera to not see it in VR.
The aerial scenes must be entered at ground level because VR takes a very large area and Oculus asks to define the area on the ground to show it.
The rays or beams of light from the sun and from the lamps look incredible, as if we were actually looking at them.
Some metal materials come out black, and it is not perceived as in the monitor scene.
The quality of the exterior light is very good, the plants and objects are seen in great detail when approaching them in VR.
The interior scenes are the ones that lose a bit of quality, especially the darkest ones, due to this limitation of the GI in VR.
The best VR exterior scene in Scene Epress is “A Chinese Style Courtyard”, the best interior is “Simple & Clean Working Space”.
I hope you share your experiences with me and especially if someone has a better GPU and better VR glasses that improve your experience.