Unreachable materials picker (or material list)


I’ve been wondering if this was possible and how to workaround this:

Let’s say I have a glass canopy on a vehicle and I want to tweak the material of a mesh contained inside the vehicle (like the helmet of the driver or the seat leather).

For the sake of the exercise, let’s say the mesh is onepiece and cannot therefore be split and some parts, hidden/

With the actual material picker, it’s difficult to pick the materials because the glass of the canopy interferes.

One solution (but awkward one) is to use the clipping plane of the camera and clip along the glass canopy to reach the inside of the vehicle. It’s tricky as it’s dependant of the camera (zooming is difficult as the clipping planes moves along the camera).

Ideally, a material lister could allow to select the wanted material in the list, directly without the help of the material picker.

Secondly, a “through” picker option would be nice, too. Using material picker + Shift for example. Each time you press shift, the material picker selects a material “behind” the selected surface (glass canopy > pilot helmet > pilot skin, etc. using screenspace Z depth as direction).

We will have a section tool in 2.5, which can deal with this situation. it will have a section plane and box.

Also, a material lister and “through” picker option are good ideas, thanks for the advice!
Now you can use “alt” and picker to choose the materials behind.

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