Testing D5 1.5

Thanks for this amazing engine. Can’t wait to see what D5 1.6 will be capable of.


How do you make the background brighter?

The fog setting does help

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Thank you for the answers.


You also should try sky light. Very bright!

Hi there,

Yes, I have edited it with the “sky light intensity” under “outdoor”.

Or you can use a photo editor to incrase the selected HDRi’s brightness so you won’t effect your model with too much sky light, if it depends.


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Eu consegui esse resultado … D5 1.5, essa plataforma vai mudar o mercado de render.


Estou de acordo.
Eu costumava usar o Lumion 9 e 10, mas desde que esse software apareceu, comecei a fazer minhas renderizações apenas no D5.

A propósito, eu gosto do seu Render.

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Please can you wright english.

Is there a policy in the forum that requires only english?
I saw a few comments and requests written in spanish as well.

btw, for me, it’s not a problem. :slight_smile: