Suggestions to improve city generator

Hi D5 team,
Thanks for adding city generator.
I have some suggestion in city generator feature.

  1. Building -
    Building group can be in sub category, like small / large scale buildings and same for houses.
  2. Building -
    Possibility to replace imported building boxes with d5 building assets. ( to save resource replacing with existing asset buildings, there can be new assets of low poly buildings ) ( one more idea - to mimic this, we can assign random building side surface texture on imported boxes. )
  3. Road -
    parameter to add dashed lines on road surface and if possible crossing mark on connected roads. ( have an idea – we can add this dash line parameter in vehicle path for precise path direction and less work around, would be great feature in vehicle path )
  4. Greenery –
    Possibility to use scatter on selected material / model.
  5. Water –
    Assign water material on surface.


What do you think about satellite 3d building from google?

I also made a request/idea for that.

hi, i know satellite 3d building, but its workflow is complicated. and require 3rd party softwares to get into work.
the ideas which i gave dont require any 3rd party help.
thanks for reply and vote. :smiling_face:

HI @visualplus

Thank you so much for these suggestions, we really appreciate it.

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