Scene states

I think it would be super nice to have a scene states per each view (scenes/cameras) - which means the entire state of the scene is captured in that particular view, such as lighting including HDRI or sunlight, layers (enabled/disabled), objects locations, particle systems, camera effects, colors, etc.

Hi, for now a scene can record the lighting settings, effects, layers (hidden or not), camera effects.
If it cannot do that on your computer, please check whether the option Camera Switch Only is turned on.

Besides, for now scene settings do not contain model locations and material changes, we may support them in the future. Currently, they need a lot of storage, so it is hard to add multiple material options in one project file.

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Thank you very much for the info. I didn’t know that this existed. Great.
I think material settings are not necessary but the position of assets would be nice.

I’d like to have on/off states also for brushes.
For example I’d like to save a state with and without painted plants or trees.



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See Scene management request…
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Yes, that would really make the scene quicker to navigate.My stuggle is always managing resources to have a decent FPS to work with. Also save the material setting in a scene state, so i can render different varieties without having to create a new file every time. Also a big pain when there is a change in the 3dmodel.

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Can you please include the setups for the assets in the scene states? For example, I have one scene with daylighting where I would like all my cars and lamps to have lights off. In another camera scene, I have night lighting, where I would like all the lights in the car and the lamps on. The properties of models should be preserved per each scene/camera.

Please implement this in the future release.