Rhino live sync not working

I installed the latest sync for rhino, works well. And then i installed Live sync for rhino. But when i start up rhino, all D5 commands are not working as if the command is not there. when i type in “d5” in the command console, theres no command start with “d5” at all.

Command: D5SyncStart
Unknown command: D5SyncStart

Hello. Please tell us the version of rhino you are currently using. Also, please check in the rhino options to see if you have successfully installed D5.


My Rhino Version is 8.8.24170.13001
Its also not on the plug-in list

I think you didn’t install it successfully. You can try installing it again (don’t change the default installation location of the plugin when you install it). :thinking:

I have tried 5 times, still the same. The system would sya its successfully installed but it doesnt work. Also I can’t find any where in the installation process that i can change the installation location.

Evertime after failing that i would install the normal non live sync version, which works.

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Thanks for your feedback. We will check this problem.

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