Rhino 8 support

Will we have support for future Rhino versions?

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Hi! Rhino8 is not yet supported, might be available in 2.7 version.
It can be confirmed that the live-sync plugins for each DCC is going to be made. You’re welcome to put your needs/suggestions in ‘Ideas & Requests’ part, that will be more helpful for our team to track.

Hello! Our latest rhino plugin is supporting for rhino 8 now, you can update to this version and try it. D5 Render for Rhino Real-time Rendering Workflow

hello LunaLang

I’ve just installed D5 for Rhino
Does’nt work
I get this message
Unknown command: D5ConverterStart

Is there a path or a script to load ?

And the plugin is registered and activated

DsyncStart works

Has this issue been resolved?