Revit Materials Keep Reappearing!

I wonder if there’s an easy tip to solve the following problem.

  1. I import from Revit
  2. I apply new materials from the D5 library to parts of my model
  3. I resync my model from Revit
    Result: all of the material assignments I made in D5 are replaced with the original ugly Revit materials.

I understand that if I edit the Revit material in D5 (instead of replacing the Revit assigned material), the work will remain once I re-sync from Revit. However, it’s very tedious to manually recreate the gorgeous D5 setting and maps in the Revit-assigned material

Is there a way to easily copy the material contents (maps and settings) to a Revit-assigned material name? Is there some other way to handle this?


Hi there,

I apologize for the inconvenience. May I know your current workflow? The D5 live-sync for Revit shouldn’t behave this way and should, in normal cases, not revert its materials to their original form.

  • Does this problem occur in this specific file only? or is it also evident in other files?
  • Please ensure that the D5 Project file was not renamed or transferred from its original location.
  • Were this file stored using a Cloud Storage (Google Drive, Onedrive, etc.)? And was opened using such software? We do not recommend opening it through the software but instead, you may want to download them locally first.

Thanks for the quick response!

I’ve only been using one file so far. I will see If I can recreate the problem in other files.
The file where this occurred was not renamed or moved.
The file was backed up with Google Drive, but it was stored (and opened) locally.

The one factor that may be relevant is that I was using the Design Options functionality from within Revit. I had switched between design options and deleted a design option that I was done with. Perhaps this is the issue?

Hi there,

I apologize for the late response. I may need to reconfirm with my team and do some test if we do support the Design Options from Revit and how well it works with D5 Render. I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.


Switching between Design Options does not make the material disappear but when you delete a design option it also deletes the part of the model hence, disappearing from D5 Render when it is resynced.

Also, please let us know if there are necessary steps that we missed. A screen recording of the issue and process would greatly help us in pinpointing the problem. Thank you so much.