Randomize UV

In order to improve the realism of rendering textures on architectural objects, we really need to randomize UV on surface (like UV Randomize in Corona). Otherwise the textures are repeated identically, and it’s absolutely horrible. Of course you can do it in the modelling software but it is really tedious. I can’t use 3dsmax export without this because instanced object (frame, floor panel, concrete facade panel, etc) have the same UV.


Yes I agree - that would help adjust the texture. I had a project where I had to apply a brick texture on a curve brick arch under a railway. I could not adjust the UV texture in D5 to match the curve. I did apply this in Sk with a plugin tool Thru Paint from Fredo and it look correct but it does not show it correct in D5. This will be a nice to apply this correctly.


Hi there,

Thank you for the suggestion.
Well noted and forwarded to the product team


Has this issue been addressed or given consideration for future development? I noticed that my windows all have identical wood texture, which puts my rendering in “uncanny valley.” A designer with a trained eye would be drawn to this very unrealistic representation.

Ideally the texture would be randomized as it’s applied to the same asset, in this case the window frame.

Thank you.


Thank u, Jeffreylewispa! This feature is on the roadmap: |RoadMap | Board view (notion.site)

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I think this issue is very important. When I look at the Road Map, I see that it has been on hold for a very long time, “more than 1 year”.

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Thanks for the suggestion, our current development progress also has to take into account many other factors, but certainly, all to improve the user experience and D5 rendering software.

It will probably have soon, please be patient with the update

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Hello D5-Team,
unfortunately, D5 lacks the possibility to automatically
to arrange textures irregularly!
Very important!

To be able to mirror the texture alternately, horizontally and vertically,
is also missing in D5!
Also very important!


It is also in the wishlist named" Randomize UV"

Thank you for mentioning that, you guys can also vote here to make this prior to other requests. So we can develop this asap.
Randomize UV - Ideas & Requests - D5 RENDER FORUM


More than 2 years later still nothing.

D5 2.6 may have a demo about this, you could look forward to it. Really thanks for your advice.


maybe ??? or sure??
I think this is more important than some of the functions that have been developed in the meantime.

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Thank you for your advice.

No software is ever going to have an option to automatically unwrap a mesh perfectly. Including D5. Just my opinion.

I think the most D5 team could do is implement random image offset based on UV-island. But again, that means users/artists should not be complacent.

For all 3D artists, UV unwrapping is an essential skill and should not be overlooked if professional quality results are desired in 3D.

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In another visualisation software that I use
it is possible to alternate a texture horizontally and

I would also like this for D5.

Here is a screenshot from the other programme.

The UV Randomiser in 2.6 is already a step in the right direction.
However, it is only suitable for certain textures.

It would also be great to be able to randomise different textures (e.g. tiles) on a material.

Different textures in layers on top of each other on a material is also desirable.


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Thanks for your advice!

Thanks for your advice!