Quick select for same material

It would be great to have this feature where if you assign the same material to different objects, then you get an option to change either the material for all the objects simultaneously or just that particular one

Is it because you want to assign material to a particular object while it applies to all now?

I mean let’s say I have assigned different materials to few objects in 3ds max. After importing the model in d5, if I wish to assign the same material to all the objects, I have to copy the material and apply it to each object one by one. So, now all the objects have the same material in D5 but still different in 3ds max. What if I want to change that material in d5 again. At this point, if I change the material, then I have to again copy and paste it to every single object. What I want is if all the objects have the same material assigned in d5, then I should get an option to either change the material for all the objects at the same time or that particular object only. It should detect whether other objects have the same material and have the ability to change for all of them.

There should be an option to apply changes to all the objects of the same material or only for a particular object. Hope this is clear now. Thank you very much :slight_smile: :blush:


I got you. Since you’re mainly using 3Ds Max workflow, the good news is upcoming 1.8 version will have a dedicated 3Ds Max plugin with live sync function. Stay tuned :smiley:

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Thank you very much. Looking forward