i dlike to invest much more my workflow with d5render.But for the moment.I dont know if i must buy a disk sdd for the library of d5?how much does the whole library weigh?What do you think about that?My aim is to minimize the weight of projets(one a disk of 2to) and have the library on another disk without depanding of the connection for example…I d like to know if the are a lot of people are getting use to 3dsmax and vray who pass completely with D5?I d like to change but for the moment i m really getting use 3dsmax and vray…Thank in advance for your help and comments…
Best regards
There is no option wherein every Asset available in our Library will be downloaded simultaneously, for now, you may need to download only the assets that you wish to insert in your model hence, completely internet-reliant. But these assets can be put into the Local Library after you have downloaded them. So the size of the folder will increase as you download more assets.
As for your other questions, are you perhaps talking about assets from 3dsMax Library and how it works with D5 Render? D5 Render should be able to read these models if you use the Live-sync Plug-in only.