I am working on a big office interior project right now.
The building is too big that I need to use section boxes to work room by room.
BUT, I have discovered that when I am moving to another section box to work on another room,I re-sync my Revit Model to just make appear the new section box. Then, when I go back to the previous section boxe, all the materials I have applied previously dissapeared from the model…
Screenshots below
1> Scene with material applied
2> Scene after I changed the section box (all my interior design wall and element have dissapeared, just remain the elements from the linked revit model, Structure, MEP etc)
3> Scene when I come back to this section boxe
All the elements that have dissapeared previously when changing the section box come back with their Revit original materials…
This is a HUGE issue for me, I can’t work with the whole 3D model of the building at once, it is too laggy for my pc…
But shouldn’t the material already applied to the model and should them be saved when re-syncing ? I don;t understand why I have this problem ? Is it a limitation of D5 render …?
Please help me fix this problem 
Hi there,
I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. I tried to recreate it using the steps you mentioned, and the materials placed could be retained on my end.
Would it be possible for you to send us your revit file and D5 File so we can further assess this issue? You may send it to support@d5techs.com and have it titled “Clov-Forum Material Missing Using Section Box”
Hi Clovis, thanks for the quick respond.
D5 Sync version with Revit
D5 Render version (using China version btw, I don’t know if it has any importance)

System information

Hi there,
We are currently using the same D5 Sync Version, and I don’t think there will be any issues, considering you are using the CN Version aside from language.
Anyway, would it be possible for you to send us your file so we can test it further? You may send it to support@d5techs.com and have it titled “Clov-Forum Material Missing Using Section Box”
I have just sent you the email with the files !
Thank you for the help !
Hi there,
I just tested your file and followed the exact steps that you have done. As you have mentioned, when I am moving to another section box to work on another room, I re-sync my Revit Model to make the new section box appear. It seems that the material is retained when I transfer from another section box. Please let me know if I am taking the same steps you did when you encountered the issue.

Have you tried saving each section box as a Scene in D5? You may want to try so you won’t be need to Re-sync each time you want to access that view.

Hum this is weird you don’t have the same issue if you are using exactly the same steps.
I will be off for the holidays, so I have to no time to check your solution today, but I will let you know right after the holidays !
Have good holidays and thank you Clovis
Hi there @davidlacoque.archi Happy holidays,
I just tested your file again to reconfirm the results on my end. On my end, the materials that were inserted before changing the section box were retained, and moving back and forth did not revert the materials to default. Please check this video recording: Section Box Test
Does this issue persist in other files as well? Or is it specific to this file only? Additionally, Please let me know if I am doing the correct steps.
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Hello Clovis,
Thanks for the video.
Actually, if not mistaken, you don’t use any Revit section box ? You actually only switch from 3D view to 3D viws. So you re-upload the whole revit model everytime you switch from a view to another one.
Using section boxes was a way to no have to reupload everything each time to save time, since the model is heavy…
So when using section boxes I do have thi issue of materials disappearing
Hi there,
I apologize for the late reply and for mistakenly assuming that adding a section in the 3D view is considered a “Section Box”, I may need to retest your file to see if the issue persists. Thank you so much for pointing this out.
No problem !
I am waiting to see if you find a way to resolve this problem 
Hi there,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I’ve successfully reproduced the material disappearance issue when switching between section boxes. This is due to a limitation in our current Revit Plug-in, which doesn’t yet support this specific feature. We understand this can be disruptive, and we have plans to support this feature in a subsequent release. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
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Thank you identifying the problem.
I’ll have to continue working with the full model all the time then.
Thank you for the support Clovis