Theme: Civic Architecture
Artist: Ashton Aime
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090
Workflow: Revit + D5 2.9
Brief description of post-processing: Ai enhancement for people + Adobe Photoshop for lens effects
Whether the model is original: Yes
Model source: Ashton Aime
Description of the work:
Just wanted to share a quick project i worked on this past week at work. Had about a day and a half to design and render out a local sheriff station in order for fundraising. Thought they came out pretty good for a super fast turnaround. Revit + D5 2.9 . You can follow my work at : []
Thank you so much ! The people are from the D5 library . I just used the material I’d map to enhance the people using Ai. The cop model was from a 3d scan I had and enhanced .