Orange dot besides the name of the imported file

Hello! When I tried to import an animated .abc file into D5, the process stops at 10%. Then, the file name in the import tab is grayed out with an orange dot on the left side. What does this mean, and what should I do to fix it?

Hi @arki.jabesph,

Apologies for bumping into this kind of issue. What’s your current D5 version? Does this happen for one specific file or all your files? What modeling software or workflow you are using when exporting the file? Your greyed .abc file and dot on the left signifies that it fails the importing process. I suggest to check this guide (Blender and 3Dsmax) on how to successfully export a .abc file:

Thank you for your understanding and for supporting D5 Render. Have a good day!

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It’s the latest version. I’m using 3ds Max for my modeling software. Thanks for the response, and I’ll try your suggestion!