Option to hide object in every scene and clip

sometimes, just before render, you notice you need a light, or character, or anything, in one of your scenes, then you add it to the scene, but now you have to go to all other scenes and shots and clips, and hide it one by one! so how about a simple “hide in all scene” option? cause it’s easier to unhide it in couple of scenes than hide it in 20 scenes.

you can actually go further and make a “manage” window option and have checkbox for all the scenes and shots, so you just decide there where you want them to hide or unhide.

later, you can even go further and let use choose on what scenes if we change basic parameters, or even material, it won’t affect rest of scenes. this is very useful when you need a car to be in certain place in one scene, and another place in another scene, so instead of making a copy, you just change basic parameters for that scene.

this will open a lot of opportunities, for lights, particles, everything. just a manage window :smiling_imp:

D5 team, any plans for this? It’s a big issue when you already have a lot of scenes set up, then you have to go one by one to hide an object.

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Finally after 9 month someone else noticed this xD thank you! God the client needs “plan render” in my recent project and I have to hide “Section plane” in 27 scenes!


That’s what I was doing as well. Feeling miserable every time clicking hide on every single scene at a time one by one.

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Yes this is frustrating, going through my animations and having to click each keyframe and updating is a very antiquated method of managing visibility. A good interface would be something like corona light lister which would show each object or even object types and be able to set their state for all selected scenes at once or even a specific series of scenes eg if you only want to show people in one part of the animation.


I agree, it would be great to set whether a layer is ON or OFF be default. Our studio often uses different lighting setups for each shot, and having to through each clip and hide those layers takes a lot of time. Worse, it creates a chance to make a mistake and leave layers on.

I should mention that we’re using the “Send Cameras” feature to transfer camera animation from 3ds Max. I’ve seen some other users recommend using “Apply to All” in the scene settings, but that doesn’t apply to clips and importing cameras this way does not create scenes.

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