Option to freeze real-time effects in the animation

I am trying to create a “frozen in time” animation where the camera moves but everything else is frozen in motion (rain, snow, fire etc).
See this gif for reference:

Notice how the particle effects (in this case water droplets) are “hanging” in the air, while the camera is moving. I’m trying to create something similar. When I click on the real-time button under Display, it stops the motion of snow particles but when I create a video, the snow is moving.

How can I achieve this effect? If there is no way of doing it, please consider adding it to a future update. :pray:t2:

Yep, we cannot make this kind of effect now, this idea is very interesting, we will consider doing that or increasing the FPS so you can make this by slowing down the video.

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Hi mate, we have 120fps now, but for pro. You can try to slow down the video and watch the effect whether is ok for you.

Hello Bruce! Thank you for your reply and thank you for considering the idea.
I think an option to “freeze” particle effects in video output would be the best approach.

Alternatively, you could also create an option to adjust the speed of moving particles (rain and snow). We can currently adjust the amount but not the speed.

I will send you a private message, to show a project I’m working on so you get a better understanding of what I’m trying to achieve.

Got it, thank you for your feedback!