Objects and/or Rhino materials export option

At the moment the Rhino 7 plugin doesn’t export separated objects but all objects are linked to materials. We can’t select a single brep.
It would be nice to add an option to save separated objects or add another option to create the same layers we have in Rhinoceros.


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Hi! Please apply materials in Rhino before importing the model into D5. Then D5 will be able to distinguish and sync the different materials. With different materials, then the objects will be separated.

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And how does this work when you want to update the model? I’ve trimmed my terrain in different surfaces to make a road and several areas, but even if I separate the surfaces in different layers and apply a new material for each, it stays as one in D5. Am I missing something?

Hi there, can you check if the material that you have assigned is categorized as a “Placeholder”? If the material in Rhino is indicated as “Placeholder,” this usually means that it is not a Rhino built-in material, which D5 Render does not support. D5 only supports Rhino built-in materials.

You can change the materials being used to a Rhino built-in material, and D5 will read it instead of displaying an all-white model. Let me know if this helps~

Hi,please download latest version which have supported separated export by layer