Object Gizmo issue

Hello all,

Am I the only one to struggle with the object gizmo? Often, when I want to move an object, I rotate it unintentionally because the cursor went onto the rotate arc instead of the move square, even more if the two are tangentially close to the camera plane (see attached pic). (I’d need to edit in top view to avoid this but it’s not always possible)
Is it possible to simply move the rotate arc away from the move square when they tend to overlap visually?
Or to split Move and Rotate in two distinct modes so we’d have move-rotate-scale each time we hit V…
I guess the solution could be hybrid, like if I hit R on the keyboard while dragging the gizmo, it forces rotation mode and if I hit M, it forces move mode…

Capture d’écran 2023-06-28 184117

Hi mate, we will have a better one in the 2.5 version. the advice to split Move and Rotate in two distinct modes is good, thank you for that and we will consider it.

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