Not for Mac OS?

I didn’t see anywhere that this was not compatible for a Mac.
Tried 3 times to download.

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Hi there,

We only support win10 for now.
Thank you very much

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Hi Jessie,
Is there any thought to support on a Mac soon? so want to try it. :frowning_face:


Hi GisDb,

Maybe in the future, but not very soon
Thank you very much for your interest in D5 Render.

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It breaks my heart that this is not for Mac. I think I speak for all Mac users. I was so looking forward.


I think it is good they focus on one OS, we have to realize the software is still very young and under development. They need to focus their resources well.


yes am also looking for a mac version since am planning to switch to mac as well but then again if the integrity of the software will suffer better focus on one os first…