More realistic material thumbnail

That will be good to have realistic thumbnail for materials we create from local files. Not a simple compress image of source file but a sphere render with PBR attributes. Something automatic base on default light conditions.

Thanks for your suggestion, I have shared it with the team.

Hi ginotv, I have been creating some custom materials and I can’t even seem to get a small png or bmp image to work as a thumbnail. I right click and “customize thumbnail”, pick the image, and nothing happens. To get a realistic thumbnail would be even better! And, while we are at it, how about a “subcategory?”

I agree that subcategories will be a very nice feature to. Local library will be huge over years.

Yes, knowing myself as an avid collector / creator of digital assets… stringent categorization is necessary.

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Thanks for the suggestion, we will consider adding subcategory.

Thanks Ryann… love D5 and appreciate your companies responsiveness.

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